A frenectomy is a dental procedure that unlatches the frenum underneath the tongue or upper lip. This allows for improved range of motion that would normally cause difficulties with breastfeeding, dental decay, digestive issues, speech and airway issues, and dental spacing. Our experienced dental team at Urbach Pediatric Dentistry can perform this simple procedure for improved oral health.
Dental teams do not perform surgeries to release the frenum. They vaporize the tissue through light energy. This quick procedure provides the patient with minimal discomfort and pain. In fact, many younger patients sleep through the procedure. The vaporization sterilizes the area immediately which lowers the risk of infection and a quicker healing period.
Below are a few commonly asked questions regarding a laser frenectomy near me:
Our dental team is eager to answer any questions parents may have regarding the safe laser frenectomy procedure for their children dentist Houston. Contact our dental office today for more information on the different services we provide or to schedule your child’s next dental cleaning and exam.