So your child has had a routine dental treatment at our Houston dental office? You may be wondering exactly what you should be doing post-op. Can they eat? Should they be in pain? What medicine can you give them? Although each situation is unique depending on your child and the treatment received, these helpful guidelines and information can be helpful for after your child’s treatment. Got additional questions regarding your child’s postoperative care? Don’t hesitate to contact Urbach Pediatric Dentistry; we’ll answer any questions you may have!
Click here to download Post-Op Instruction
Following treatment where a local anesthetic is used, your child will experience numbness up to 4 hours after the procedure. It is important to closely watch your child and make sure they do not bite or injure their cheeks, lips or tongue. Some children may mistake the “numb” feeling for pain due to it feeling different, just reassure them it will go away soon, and nothing is wrong.
If your child had a dental sealant applied to their teeth, we recommend avoiding any “sticky” foods for at least 24 hours. If your child’s teeth feel uncomfortable after 48 hours, please contact our office so we can address the issue.
Following dental filling treatment, children may experience tooth sensitivity for a brief period of time. Most fillings have no postoperative complications however they may need to be slightly adjusted to fit more comfortably. If your child complains of discomfort, contact our practice.
Following any nerve treatment, we typically do not prescribe any pain medication, if your child experiences slight discomfort over-the-counter options such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen may be used (follow the directions).
Following tooth extraction, we will place gauze pressure packs to control bleeding from the extraction site. Pain medication and/or antibiotics are not often prescribed; if discomfort exists over-the-counter pain relievers may be used. Avoid letting your child drink from straws or carbonated beverages for at least 48 hours as it can increase bleeding. Soft foods are recommended until your child stops experience discomfort and bleeding.
Following sedation, it is important to watch your child closely. They should not return to school, daycare or be far out of site. It is common for your child to feel sleepy/groggy and nap quite a bit following treatment. Be sure to keep an eye on them at all times and provide relaxing activities such as toys or watching a movie. Provide them with a pillow to keep their head propped up, ensuring they can breathe properly.
When traveling home, it is important to bring an additional adult to ensure your child’s head is up and away from the chest. Clear fluids such as water or juice may be given as the child wants it. We recommend waiting about an hour before giving them “soft foods,” regular foods can be added as they are tolerated by your child. Nausea and vomiting are occasional symptoms of sedation.
Click here to download Post-Op Sedation Instruction
If vomiting persists past 4 hours following treatment, we urge you to call Dr. Urbach for further advice. If your child has a temperature that lasts longer than 24 hours or goes above 101 degrees, we also recommend contacting our dental practice. If difficulty breathing is experienced, immediately get your child medical attention.
Following any treatment at Urbach Pediatric Dentistry in Houston, you will be provided with thorough postoperative instructions specifically for your child’s procedure. We will also discuss your child’s condition, how the treatment went and any other things to look out for.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues following dental treatment at Urbach Pediatric Dentistry, don’t hesitate to call.