Pediatric Dentists Can Provide Tooth-Colored Dental Crowns For Children

Pediatric Dentists Can Provide Tooth-Colored Dental Crowns For Children

November 1, 2019

Children often knock off part of their front teeth when they become involved in certain sports. Looking at their condition parents believe visiting the pediatric dentist near you is the best option to find a solution for the knocked-out tooth of their child. They would be acting appropriately because the child would be needing dental crowns to replace the part of their missing tooth. Thankfully, pediatric dentist 77098 can provide the crowns needed to smile again despite having lost a part of their tooth.

Children Also Need Dental Crowns

Children that are forever involved in contact sports are susceptible to breaking their teeth often in places that are visible. For replacing the tooth structure missing from the mouth because of injury or tooth decay dental crowns or caps have been designed for them. The crowns can completely cover the tooth to protect and strengthen the remaining part of it. The best treatment option for children on many occasions is to place a crown on baby teeth. The placement of tooth-colored dental crowns in children’s mouths help them to smile naturally and is a better option than stainless steel crowns.

When Do Children Need Dental Crowns?

Children often encounter problems with tooth decay because of bacterial infections which if left untreated can spread, causing pain and other health issues. When children develop cavities that are too large for fillings the pediatric dentist Houston TX will recommend a dental crown to save the tooth. Parents must understand it is important to save their child’s primary teeth rather than have them pulled out to leave empty spaces. Primary teeth can help children to chew food and bite well, develop normal speech, and maintain correct spacing between the tooth for permanent adult teeth to erupt. Tooth-colored dental crowns can be placed on the back molars to be used for chewing or on front teeth that are also important for biting. In either of these cases, the crown helps to protect the tooth from additional decay, breaking or cracking.

What Is the Procedure Children Have To Undergo For Getting Crowns?

Children can get dental crowns placed in their mouth in just one visit. A topical gel will be used by the dentist placing the dental crown in Houston to numb the area before local anesthesia is injected. After the child is comfortable any tooth decay will be removed by the dentist and the tooth shaped for preparing it for the crown. Your child may not even have an impression of the area depending on the type of tooth-colored crown which is being used. The pediatric dentist will try the crown in your child’s mouth to check the check placement and contact with the adjacent teeth. The pediatric dentist will cement the crown in place after he or she is satisfied everything is in order. They will also check the bite and make adjustments if needed.

What Care Is Needed By the Child After The Procedure?

Your child will be numb in the mouth for some time and therefore must wait until the numbness wears off especially when eating. He or she should be careful not to bite the cheek tissue or lips. Some discomfort will be encountered by the child after the procedure. This is usually because of tooth or gum irritation and prevails for less than a day. The dentist conducting the procedure would have recommended over-the-counter medications to help the child. However, if your child reports that the bite feels odd and the discomfort remains for longer than a day increasing your concerns about the tooth and gums should be calling the pediatric dentist right away.

Many dental offices are not offering tooth-colored dental crowns for children but the pediatric dentist Houston TX will have these crowns for your child. Having established contact with the pediatric dentist in Houston it is suggested that you schedule dental cleanings and exams for your child every six months to ensure the dentist monitors the crown to make you and the child feel confident it is working well. You must also take care to make sure your child brushes and flosses regularly and maintains proper oral hygiene without any exceptions.

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