Caring for Your Child’s Mouth after a Frenectomy

Caring For Your Child’s Mouth After A Frenectomy

January 1, 2019

What is a Frenectomy and when is it needed?

A frenectomy is a simple surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or both frena from the mouth. The frenum is a connective tissue membrane that attaches one surface within the mouth to another. According to Pediatric dentist in 77098 in infants, an elongated lingual frenum may make it difficult to nurse or to feed sufficiently from a bottle. If the abnormality is left uncorrected until the patient has reached the toddler years, parents and caregivers may notice that the child affected experiences a more difficult time of speaking than his peers. In extreme cases, the child may even experience difficulty and discomfort while swallowing. Fortunately, a typical frenectomy with laser dentistry can usually be performed quickly and with minimal pain during the first few weeks of birth.

Here are some things you can do at home to promote healing and prevent resealing of the surgical site:

  • Exercises: Tongue extensions, gum rubs and lip flanging are some of the exercises that you can make your child do to overcome the discomfort post-surgery.
  • Discomfort: According to it’s very obvious to experience discomfort and pain post the surgery. Comfort you kid with warm hugs, skin to skin contact and plenty of small feedings. If still the discomfort continues then contact the Pediatric Dentist near Houston TX.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding after surgery may continue for several hours. Rest quietly with your head elevated. Bleeding should always be evaluated by looking directly at the surgical site. Our family pediatric dentist Houston, TX says that Pink or blood-tinged saliva may be seen for 2-3 days following the surgery and does not indicate a problem. No need to panic.
  • Recovery: Laser frenectomies for children makes the procedure very easy and your baby will be fussy because of the numbness caused during the surgery but it will subside in a few days.
  • Eating: For the next week give your child only food that is soft, cool, and easy to chew and that too in small quantities. Contact your family pediatrician if any problem continues.
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